Influence Of American Identity In America

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America has been established as a country by immigrants, been industrialized by immigrants, and basically has been made by immigrants. These immigrants haven’t just come from England, these immigrants came from all parts of the world like Russia, Mexico, Italy, Ghana, and so on. With all the immigrants coming, cultures, beliefs, clothing, and languages come also. With all these influences and ideas going into the melting pot, there cannot be one particular way in which one looks from America. This is because the American identity is not something shown on the face; rather the American identity is made of diversity, with cultures that contribute to the making of the American Identity. Sense America is such a diverse place, it is often forgotten that anyone can look a certain way and still be an American. …show more content…

For example, Kesaya E. Noda says in her essay Growing up Asian in America, that at times her face made her feel anything but American, even though she was born in America. Americans all come from a different background from the people around them and may have accents that have never faded from the first generation who’ve arrived in America and may have strong genes that makes them look like relatives that may live back in the country that their parents or grandparents have