Influence Of Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front

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Between the years of 1918 and 1939 came the period of the Inter War. This period occurred during the end of World War with Germany’s Ceasefire and The Paris Peace Conference and the start of World War II with the attack of Poland. The series of several events brought many theorist and ideologist to express themselves in either books or articles. Wilson Woodrow showed participation in the Paris Peace Conference by mentioning fourteen points that promoted liberal views as he wished to finish the suppression of people who have been under the autocracies and empires. Unfortunately, Clemenceau and many others rejected him. Wilson 's thoughts regarding the inter war movements include how everyone was fighting in the War for the liberty of mankind, …show more content…

Erich Maria Remarque was a German novelist who begins his work by comparing soldiers to things such as action figures. He does this comparison by mentioning how it is as if they have been shelved due to the fact that they don’t function properly anymore. He mentions how most World War I soldiers were injured rested in a hospital, which were classified by the places they 've been wounded. That whole building would be filled with human waste and destroyed body parts, being incredibly gruesome. This all meaning that the soldiers are practically dehumanized. There were hundreds of thousands of hospitals all over Germany, France, and Russia similar due to such conditions. He is in fact a part of the lost generation because he is only twenty years old, yet knows "nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and the fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow" all because of the war. People who unfortunately took part in growing up in such generation were also experiencing the same emotions. The narrator mentions how he wonders what society would particularly want from them once the war ends, due to the fact that through the years, all they’ve been taught to do was kill - "our knowledge of life is limited to death." What are they going to do