Influence Of Words In President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Fireside Chat

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The three words I believed were the most powerful or influential in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Fireside Chat #7 were “crusade”, “chiseler”, and “faith”. These words were chosen because of the impact it gave the speech. “Our responsibility is to all of the people in this country. This is a great national crusade, a crusade to destroy enforced idleness which is an enemy of the human spirit generated by this depression. Our attack upon these enemies must be without stint and without discrimination. No sectional, no political distinctions can be permitted.” In this line from the speech, I got inspired by how President Roosevelt made use of the word “crusade” in order to encourage the people in achieving their goal of economic progress against depression. This relates to the next word …show more content…

My friends, the most effective means of preventing such evils in this work relief program will be the eternal vigilance of the American people themselves. I call upon my fellow citizens everywhere to cooperate with me in making this the most efficient and the cleanest example of public enterprise the world has ever seen. It is time to provide a smashing answer for those cynical men who say that a democracy cannot be honest and can not be efficient. If you will help, this can be done.” President Roosevelt assures the people that by cooperating with each other, their “crusade” against the “chiselers” will gain them victory. Lastly, the word “faith” in the last part of the speech motivated the people that despite the hardships in life, they must always look forward with hope and optimism that everything will go in its right place with God at their side, “Fear is vanishing. Confidence is growing on every side, renewed faith in the vast possibilities of