
Influences In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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In The book To kill a Mockingbird I think Atticus is Scouts biggest influence. Atticus has the best beliefs in May comb in my opinion and Atticus tells his children Scout and Jem his beliefs about racial things with complete honesty. Atticus doesn't lie or sugar coat anything to neither of his children. A brief example of this is when Atticus tells Scout " That you can't judge someone until you crawl into their skin Atticus is Scout biggest role model but what makes him her role model is not him specifically trying he tries for everyone for instance taking the case he is trying to prove a point, but he also did it for himself. Chapter 9 pg 77-78 “If you should not be defending him, then why are you doing it? “Atticus said “ For a number of reasons The main one is, if i didn't I couldn't hold my head up in town, I couldn't represent this country in the legislature I couldn't even tell you or Jem to do something again..” …show more content…

On the other hand there has been better influences and role models for Scout and Jem at times. Atticus first mistake or very hard decision I would say would be letting Jem and Scout watch the trial this led to Jem becoming sick I agree them watching could of been good for them but watching the case led them to gain possessive feelings for Boo Radley so when he died they were sad. Second mistake that Atticus made was that thinking Bob Ewell wasn't going to do something after the case he should of been more aware of Bob Ewell everybody should of been. The Third mistake of Atticus was letting Jem and Scout by themselves at night, especially, after the case. All this leads to one thing the death of Bob Ewell and after he died and the sheriff told him he wanted to tell everybody it was Jem But the sheriff wanted to say he stabbed himself of course atticus did not believe him, but he forced himself

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