Strategic Planning In Informatics

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Develop a more effective tool in the organization and methods.
Support strategic plans. In order to enter the computer technology and the development of information systems for any facility, it is necessary to provide long-term Informatics is consistent with the strategic plan of the facility and a strategic plan to achieve the goals and objectives established. Usually put established for itself a number of strategic plans that aim in its entirety to the development of work and performance, such as: a strategic plan for the development of human resources, a strategic plan for training, strategic management development plan, and other strategic plans.

Third, policies and plans for information systems
Determined at this stage, the role of senior …show more content…

policy development on partial systems and the level of respect that each of them to perform certain functions, such as:
Public policy for the development of information systems.
Public policy for the management of needs and resources.
Public policy for training and employment.
Policy to build a data processing center.
2. Preparation of detailed plans and programs on partial systems such as the level of:
Plans and programs for the development of information systems.
Plans and programs for the management of needs and resources.
Plans and programs for training and employment.
Plans and programs for building data processing center.

System Analysis
It means information system study of the needs of users of information analysis stage in order to develop specifications for the system so that meets these needs. They should be doing the analysis, a seasoned expert in this process is the "System Analyst". And it takes place during this stage the work of numerous interviews with users in order to determine their needs. The system analyst as well as studying the volume of information handled by employees, and the nature of the reports they need in their …show more content…

In general you should study and evaluate a range of important elements influencing the design process
The system design includes two phases subgroups main stage:
1. The overall design of the system: called the term "logical system design."
2. The detailed design of the system: dubbed the term "physical design of the system."

In general the design stage: - the system is converted to the objectives and requirements of complete specification. This consists of the specifications of high-level design of the system as a whole - the "logical design of the system" process is called -aly the grounds that the system is a vision and ideas in a logical format has not been converted into a physical image.
Following the process of identifying users' needs and goals of the system finishes the process of translating these needs and goals to a public information system designs start and a description of the functions required to achieve the needs of users of information. This phase includes several alternatives for designs Information System mode, then these alternatives are presented to users and ask them to choose one or more design be the best suited to their