Informatio Marquis Abortion

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Is it morally alright for a women to terminate an unwanted pregnancy? Does the government have a say on what the women can or can’t do with her body? Marquis believes that is morally impermissible unless the mother’s life is at risk. Thomas believes that abortion is morally permissible because a women has a right to her own body and she can get rid of unwanted inhabitants if she wants to. I feel that abortion should be permissible when the mother’s life is at risk or if you are 100% sure the baby is not going to survive. A women does have a right to her own body but i don't see why it is necessary to kill an innocent baby. There many people who want to have children but cannot and are willing to adopt the baby. One day after leaving a Bon Jovi concert, Susan was raped and became pregnant. She wanted to terminate the pregnancy and during one of her appointments she learned that the baby would never develop the cognitive capacities beyond a two year old. This new …show more content…

He creates a theory called “the Future Like Ours” (FLO) theory which states that “killing a person is wrong because it causes premature death. Premature death is bad because if the person hadn’t been killed she/he would have been able to experience all kinds of good things that make life worth living.” (135) Killing someone has always been said to be one of the worst crimes but we do recognize that killing is not wrong in the case of self-defense.“The FLO theory captures this unique aspect of killing by saying that abortion is wrong, except in certain cases.”(136) For example, if the mother’s life is at risk then killing the baby would be seen as self-defense. Killing the baby without a cause is the same as killing an innocent bystander. The baby is causing you no harm so there is no reason to kill it. If you don't want it then you can easily put up for adoption and give it to a family that actually wants a

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