Informative Essay: Is Salmon Really That Good

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Is Salmon Really That Good Salmon has always been a favorite of mine. I also believed it had many health benefits. While it does have many macromolecules that our bodies need, the why it is produced, how it is produced, and the risks that come with the overconsumption is scary. This research may not make me stop eating this fish but it will make me think more carefully of how much I eat it. Salmon is a fish so it must be fed. I always though they just gave it a fish food with all the nutrients they need to be able to live. Then when I dove into an article by the Huffington post, I was shocked to see that they are feed small fish that contain antibodies and pesticides. Also in an article by Farmedanddangerous I was surprised to learn what the salmon`s food was eating. To save money in fish farms the salmon`s fish are fed poultry litter. Poultry litter is chicken feces. This is in an effort to save money. In the PDF by, in the U.S we eat around, 284,000 metric tons of salmon. That mean that a lot of salmon are eating that fish food and we are eating them too. Yuck! …show more content…

The way that fish farms work is there are mesh baskets in the ocean so the water can flow freely through them. As stated by World Wild Life the waste and fecal matter of the fish just float off and sink into the ocean. This can cause health problems not only for the salmon but also the other organisms that live around them. Not to mention the feed. The chemicals used in the feed for the salmon can get into the open ocean and cause some serious health problems for wild animals. The mesh nets have been known to break and some salmon are produced in the Pacific. If they escape they will become an invasive species which will also hurt other living

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