Informative Essay On American Albinos

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The American Albino horse is not considered a true albino. The American albino horse can be any breed as long as their coat is white, and their skin is pink. Their eyes must be black, brown or blue. If a horse is white with pink skin and their eyes are pink they are an albino.

Deciding if a horse is an American Albino will depend only on their color. The American Albino can be a Quarter horse, Arabian, Thoroughbred or Morgan if they meet the American Albino color requirements. American Albinos can be stock type, saddle type or Arabian type horses. The American Albinos that are stock and saddle type will usually be 15.2 hands high. The Arabian types are not as tall.

In 1937 The American Albino Horse Club was started on the White Horse …show more content…


The Banker horse is found on the islands of North Carolina's Outer Banks. They are a feral horse and have lived here for centuries. There is very little water and food where they live. The horses eat marsh grass. To get water they will dig through the sand. There are very few Banker horses left.

The Banker horse is 13 to 14.3 hands tall. They are usually bay, dun, brown and chestnut. They are feral horses but they are calm and friendly.

The Banker horse originated from Spanish horses. The Spanish settled this area in the 1520's and they brought horses with them. The English came to the area in the 1580's. They also brought horses. How the horses got to the islands is not known for sure.

The Banker horse is rare and their existence is threatened.

The Buckskin horse is not a breed of horse. The Buckskin is a color found in many horse breeds. In the frontier of the western United States the Buckskin had a reputation of being a strong working horse. The Buckskins were very popular with the cowboys of the early west. The Buckskin horse has been used as pack horses, saddle horses and harness horses. Many people think the bronze to tan horse with black points had the hardest hooves, best endurance, surest footed and the most stamina. If given a choice the cowboy of the old west would choose a Buckskin or Dun horse over other