Informative Essay On Breast Cancer

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This is the start of my breast cancer trial and all about the genetic causes and the treatment of everything. Breast cancer can really overwhelm many people who are diagnosed and their families. Many people diagnosed with breast cancer become stressed and depressed and that's a hard thing to go through. Now let's get some facts down breast cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form and in the inside of a breast. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and it is estimated that almost 250,000 women will be diagnosed in the us and the sad part 40,000 women will die. Breast cancer is unlikely for men to be diagnosed with it but 2,600 men are diagnosed and 440 will die a year. Also on a average a woman is diagnosed with …show more content…

Breast cancer is assorted by two uncommon genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 everyone has BRCA1 and BRCA2. The function of the BRCA genes is to keep breast and fix cell damage and also keep cells growing casual. A genetic causes is a disease or condition caused by an absent or defective gene and a treatment is a therapy or a analyzy. Symptoms of breast cancer can include a lump in the breast or a bloody discharge from the center of the breast or known as the nipple. Some more symptoms of breast cancer is breast pain, redness and skin irritation. A symptom is a physical or mental feature that is indicated a disease. Another symptom is discomfort in the breast and that is the genetic cause and the symptoms. This would now conclude the genetic cause of breast …show more content…

The treatment is therapies it treats the tumor but not the rest of the body. There is also a local surgery and radiation therapy. The other treatments are medical procedure, specialists, and medication. The specialists treats breast cancer by prescribing radiation therapy. The medical procedure is the treatment that uses x-rays. The medication is the bone health. There is no cure for Breast Cancer but there is treatments as you read earlier. Scientist say that there is no cure but they are getting there and that's it for the treatment and the cure for cancer. How Women adjust to Breast Cancer. Well many women that have been diagnosed with breast cancer feel angry, sad, tired, anxious, stressed, depressed and a whirlpool of emotions. The women may also eat lousy or not eat as much as they did before they were diagnosed. Adjusting to it is a big thing to do but 50 % of women that have breast cancer can expect to live for at least 15 years. 15 years is not a lot if american women live till a average of 81 and men 76. That's all how women adjust to breast cancer emotionally and physically and adjust for the

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