Informative Essay On Cancer

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There’s many disorders in the world we live in. Some can be successful or some can be fatal. But I experienced my grandmother which is my mother mom deal with it. She had Cancer it bring me to tears every time I think or speak about it.

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cell divide uncontrollably and destroys body tissues. Cancer affects everyone young and old also the rich and the poor. Yet many of these deaths can be avoided and some cannot because the stages they are in. Over 20,000 people die of cancer on a day to day basis, Cancer can be found in your family by relatives they can carry the trait or something. Further information on cancer is everyday approximately 46 children are diagnosed with cancer everyday. Every 1 to 330 children in the united states will be diagnosed with when they reach the age 20. Cancer is something you got to be very careful …show more content…

Cancer does have many treatments and are successful and tested on many patients so if you are questioning visit a cancer specialist. Well my grandmother had throat cancer which she had problems swallowing, and also known as dysphagia. Others symptoms was the changed in her voice she didn’t want to tell me what was wrong at the time but I knew something wasn’t right in the way she was starting to change. Then suddenly this unexplainable weight loss have occurs then I really knew my grandmother wasn’t feeling well she tried so hard not to show it but deep down and inside she was suffering. More and more symptoms started to show throughout the process and they wasn’t a pleasant sight to see because she use to have blood coming from the mouth and nose. But one thing I can say she steady fought and fought which I need she was getting weak but some how she found how to be strong and try to fight this horrible battle. Doctors often cannot explain why one person develops cancer and other does not.