Informative Essay On Cancer

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Cancer is a rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer is the most feared disease in the world. Among 10,000 people die from the disease in the U.S every week. The goal is to get rid of most cancerous cells without harming any other regular cells. Which is possible nowadays due to new and advanced technology. Cancer can be treated by treatment depending on the types of q2mcancer, the stage of the cancer or how much has it spread within the body. The main three treatments are: Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy or surgery. Technology makes everything possible. Doctors have intraoperative radiation therapy which a concentrated dose of radiation to a tumor site immediately after surgery. Ranging from 80 to 90 percent of all cancers are preventable but it takes knowledge and determination to act on this truth a healthy diet can play a role on your general health, avoiding high levels of stress, Antioxidants like vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and beta-carotene are known cancer fighters. Many people fear that it’s the end when they are diagnosed with cancer. Although cancer can is a scary and your last thought it can be treated. thought sometimes its genetic and you can have it just because its runs down your family. cancer can be treated it can also come back and be worse than ever before. …show more content…

Cancer develops from cell mutations which stem from DNA damaged during the cycle. These mutations are in genes that encode for proteins that control cell divisions. The exact cause of cancer is still overall undetermined, there’s been many statistical reasons scientist and cancer specialist discovered that may result in cancer such as obesity, alcohol, infection by

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