Informative Essay On Chemotherapy

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Cancer diagnosis often becomes a very depressing and bleak scenario because at the moment your doctor delivers the horrific news, your world is completely turned upside down. Patients are often left with a flurry of questions which usually includes the question of "What are my treatment options?" There are three main types of cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Factors that determine the optimal form of treatment primarily include the type of cancer as well as the current stage of your illness. Surgery is often the first treatment used if cancer can easily be removed from the body. In some cases, radiation may be used to shrink the cancer before performing surgery. Chemotherapy, also known as "chemo," is a drug treatment used by doctors that allow drugs to travel through the bloodstream to reach other cancer cells that may have spread away from the tumor. When undergoing chemotherapy, it is important to understand the many side effects that can include nausea and vomiting, appetite loss, hair loss, and mouth sores. In addition to these adverse effects, chemo can damage blood-making cells in the bone marrow which can lead to a higher risk of infection, bleeding or bruising from minor cuts, and anemia which results in tiredness and shortness of breath. To combat the many effects of chemotherapy, many cancer care teams work carefully with patients to manage the side effects of chemo. …show more content…

Often external radiation is used, and even though it doesn't physically hurt during the initial process, like chemotherapy, there are many side effects involved with this form of treatment. Skin irritation and fatigue are the most common side effects resulting from radiation therapy, and these often last for many weeks even after the treatment period

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