Informative Essay On Colon Cancer

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Cancer has played a role in everyone's life, whether diagnosed with cancer or you have a loved one diagnosed with cancer, but what exactly is it ? Well , cancer is not just one disease. Within 100 or more different diseases it is made up into one large disease. The dictionary definition of cancer is a large group of almost 100 diseases ( “It is a genetic disease, with two main characteristics of uncontrolled growth of the cells in the human body and the ability of those cells to migrate from the original site and spread to distant sites in the body (” Generally, there are three things a gene mutation instructs a healthy cell in your body to do; allowing rapid growth, fail to stop uncontrolled …show more content…

Specifically cancer; it's called a malignant tumor and they call it malignant because it not only invades with adjacent organs but can, unfortunately, spread into other tissues. Generally speaking, a person with colon cancer is very different from another person with colon cancer just like those individuals are different. That being said cancer treatment can be very complex because of the fact cancer is one disease with one-hundred or more diseases in it . Cancer itself is not homogeneous. There are three primary cares for cancer; Surgery, Radiation, and Chemotherapy. Surgery works by directly removing cancer, radiation provides x-rays to kill individual cells of cancer. Then you have chemotherapy which is a chemical base to kill off cancer, having side effects. At cancer Treatments of America, they have a very integrated robust Oncology program. Making those conventional oncology treatments and integrating those with therapies like Acupuncture, Naturopathic medicine, Chiropractic, and Nutrition. Blending all of them together to create the most effective treatment plan for that individual at that certain period of time

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