Informative Essay On Diesel Fuel

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Biodiesel is a very important fuel used around the world. It is used in everyday life here in the U.S. If you own a trucking business,farm or even a house that burns diesel to heat your house you couldn 't live as efficient without it. It is one of the most efficient fuel we have found to use today. It is cheaper to burn in truck because the diesel can produce more power using less product than gas. During 2015 the U.S has used a record high of 2.1 gallons of diesel. Diesel has been around since 1890`s and is becoming more and more useful every year. The man who invented biodiesel in 1890`s was Rudolf Diesel. Once everyone figured out it was a good fuel to use a man named Martin Mittelbach furthered the development of diesel fuel to lower the price. In the further future someone is going to have to redevelop diesel fuel due to the U.S emissions. To burn this good efficient fuel someone had to redevelop an engine to burn the fuel easier and more efficient. The engines had to get fuel and easier and quicker way to burn the fuel without wasting any and still get the amount of horsepower it can make with the least amount of fuel. …show more content…

They are little devices that have a nozzle on the end and it sprays fuel into the cylinder to keep the cylinders stroking. The injectors took place ofthe carburetors that were used on gas engines. Now that he had invented injectors he had to come up with a way to get the fuel to the injectors faster. He then invented a pump that is called an injection pump. The pump is assembled after the fuel pump. The fuel goes through the fuel pump that is pumped into the injection pump then the injection pump is pumping the fuel to the injectors to keep a constant fuel supply to the

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