Informative Essay On Radiation Therapy

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Introduction As we go through our daily lives, we at times fail to realise that there is a lot that is happening. Change is very constant- both around us and within us. Changes occur in our bodies without our conscious knowledge or awareness. As we begin to self-destruct, nature and science come in handy to redeem us and spare us the raging storm within ourselves. Discoveries made many years ago have lead to many lives being saved from cancers devouring hands. From the discovery of X-rays to the discovery of radioactivity and eventually the mind-blowing concept and system of radiation therapy- science (precisely physics) has rejuvenated cancer-stricken lives. For that reason, this presentation will illustrate exactly what radiation therapy is, how it came about, what it does and all other matters of utmost importance regarding radiation therapy. WHAT IS RADIATION THERAPY? Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses beams of intense energy to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy usually gets its power and energy from X-rays (the power can also come from protons or other types of energy). During this type of radiation, the high-energy beams come from a machine outside of one’s body that aims the beams at a precise and accurate point on the body. Radiation …show more content…

The Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy uses advanced technology to control beams of radiation to relate with the structure and side of the targeted tumour. IMRT uses various radiation beams of different strengths to accurately and precisely pass energy to and through the tumour to destroy it. The radiation strength of each beam is controlled and the beam structures change throughout every treatment. The main aim of IMRT is to alter the radiation dose to avoid or reduce exposure of healthy tissue to the energy/radiation. This would definitely reduce oncoming side

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