
Informative Essay On Skin Cancer

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Every year, 12.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer (Huffington). Cancer can start anywhere in the body and can easily spread. World Book Encyclopedia reports,“Cancer is a disease in which cells multiply wildly, destroy healthy tissue and endanger life.”Anyone can be diagnosed with cancer. Cancer can be passed on through genetics. Sun exposure may cause skin cancer and smoking may also cause lung cancer. Tumors may appear when cells in the body begin to divide without stopping and spread to surrounding tissue. Tumors can be malignant or cancerous or nonmalignant (National Cancer Institute.com). Cancer has been around for many years. Surgery has been commonly performed to remove tumors since 1728. Harvey began to perform pathological …show more content…

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recently published that every year 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Before the 1920’s, heart disease was very uncommon. In 1920, Americans began eating foods that did not have key vitamins for the body. Different kinds of medications have been invented to replace those key vitamins, but they do not always have the same effect on the body. Heart disease may be prevented. If people eat healthy, exercise often, check their blood pressure and cholesterol, and stay smoke free, they may be preventing the chance of suffering from heart disease. Heart disease can be cured by making important lifestyle changes. Many try to cut out salt, follow a healthy diet, and get more exercise (web md.com).
The heart is an organ that takes deoxygenated blood and delivers it to the lungs. Once the blood is in the lungs it spread through various arteries throughout the body. Before the seventeenth century many different cultures thought differently about the heart. Some thought that the heart was the center for the soul and that was its only purpose. World Book states, ”The Chinese thought that each emotion originated from an organ and happiness dwelt in the heart.” We know today that their theory was incorrect and that all emotions come from the

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