Informative Essay On Snowboarding

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Snowboarding USA,USA! Ahh our beloved team we all love team USA. In my opinion my favorite gold medalist for team USA was 17 year old Red Gerald. And he not only impress me but also the judges getting a swift 87.3 by the judges. And no this article is not about him. But I will be talking about snowboarding and all the names of the tricks and examples of them too. Flips ohh how much I love flips. They are the most mind blowing, spine ticker of all sports (at least to me…). So that is why I will be going through some of the flips. All the flips will be listed in light blue. For normal snowboarding, you’ll already know that a regular footed rider is someone who rides with their left foot leading and a goofy footed rider is someone who …show more content…

This means your foot foot is leading. If a rider is performing a trick in his regular stance, we just call it by the trick name, without any extra words. Example: Frontside 360 Fakie/Switch: Your opposite direction of riding. This means you’re riding your un-natural stance with your back foot leading. If a rider is performing a trick in his fakie/switch stance, we add fakie or switch before the trick name. Example: Switch Backside 360, Fakie Frontside 720 180/360/540/270 etc: This refers to how much spin was involved in the trick. For example: A 360 is 360 degrees of spin, so we can it a 360. Also, it’s common for riders spinning off jumps and features to call their trick rotation by the first number. For example: A 360 becomes a 3 and a 540 is called a 5. Basic Spins: Keep in mind that the photos below show regular footed riders, a goofy footed rider would obviously be facing a different direction, so his spins would be in the opposite direction as well. Backside: As you approach the jump, you’re spinning so that the back part of your body (your back, butt etc) faces down the hill first. You’ll sometimes see backside shortened to just ‘back’. Example: ‘Backside 360’ is the same as saying ‘Back

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