Informative Essay On Steve Wozniak

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Have you imagined your life without any iPhones, iPads or iPods? Well, you should thank Steve Jobs. He created all these devices with a buddy named Steve Wozniak. Let’s get into Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. His parents were Abdulfattah John Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble Simple. They are not known as Steve Jobs parents. Since they had too many children they, therefore, gave him up for adoption. They were his biological parents. His birth parents were Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs. Steve Jobs was frightened because his biological parents gave him up for adoption! These parents were different though as they promised him a good education. With new parents, he grew up in Mountain View, California. It is now better known as Silicon Valley. As he grew up, Steve had two hard-working parents. His father’s job was repairing machines, and her mother was an accountant. He then later found out, that he had an adopted sister. Steve was very intellectual. Jobs enjoyed learning at a very young age. Although Steve was smart, he often played pranks on people and got into trouble frequently. At a young age, it was sporadic at that time, but he was deeply involved in electronics, which would later be crucial later in his life. Baffling news …show more content…

They shared the same interests together, as they started to get along. They both loved electronics, computers, and playing pranks on others. They felt like they were ready to start their first company in 1972. In 1972, to make long distance calls usually meant a lot of money, but Steve and Woz wanted to fix this issue. They fixed the issue. Now, long distance calls could be free! It fooled a lot of other companies. This made it turn out to be a major success. But, Jobs and Woz knew this was illegal. For this reason, they ended the business shortly

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