
Informative Essay On Stomach Cancer

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A simple diarrhea can ruin someone else’s day, but how worse can it be when an individual suffers from stomach cancer? This type of cancer develops once the cancer cells take over the lining of the stomach. It then spreads on to the other locations inside your body. It is also considered as the top 5 leading cancer types throughout the world. To know more about stomach cancer, read the article below: Stomach Cancer Gastric cancer, also known as stomach cancer, is the growth of abnormal cells in the stomach. The World Health Organization states that over 723,000 of the total cancer deaths worldwide are stomach related. This makes stomach cancer as one of the leading cancer types in the world. There are also 25,000 cases of stomach cancer diagnosed each day. These patients have developed metastasis. This is the process wherein the cancer cells start to spread throughout the location it was first created. Most of these cases are …show more content…

This then grows and divides inside the body, wherein the normal cells present will be replaced with infected, cancer cells. Symptoms of stomach cancer include fatigue, bloating, feeling full after eating small portions, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain and extreme weight loss. You should certainly see a doctor once you experience the symptoms frequently. He or she would test the causes, signs and symptoms, then identify which treatment works best for you. Good Fruit for Stomach Cancer But do not worry, there are different kinds of fruits and vegetables that can help you decrease any risks of having stomach cancer. For example, citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons may fight against cancer cells. Moreover, according to the American Cancer Society, the basis or focus of any diet should be plant-based. You should be able to eat 2 ½ cups of vegetables and fruits a day. Opt for whole-grain breads, pastas, and cereals instead of regular brands. Bad Food for Stomach

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