Obvious Choice The most clear path for many people is to graduate high school, go to a good college, have a well paying job, and start a family. In order to have all the money to support either you or your family, you need to at least have a well enough education. Most people tend to go to college but there are still quite a few who do not go. There are many reasons why people can or cannot go but everybody should go to college because there are many benefits that come with and after. Everyone wants to live a prosperous and successful life but in order to live that kind of life, people need to go through some kind of hard work and for most people it is graduating from a college and finding a suitable job. People who graduate from a college with a high education has a …show more content…
Student debt will be a problem if students can’t pay off all at once, “Student debt, meanwhile, has toppled $1 trillion (David Leonhardt),” which shows how much student debt was and it will continue to grow, but if students get a high education, they will be able to pay them off later on. People will need college in order to be at least in middle class, “But from almost any individual’s perspective, college is a no-brainer. It’s the most reliable ticket to the middle class and beyond (David Leonhardt),” this means that if people graduate college, they can also go beyond middle class. Most students today have student debts they need to pay and if they are able to get a high education, they can pay it off earlier than to those with a lower education. Not only can they pay off their student debts earlier, they don’t have to worry about it. There are more pros compared to cons when people graduate college because there are many benefits that help a lot in life after