Informative Essay On The Holocaust

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Holocaust Prisoners Is sad to know that so many people were killed just for being different at the time, it’s scary to think that World War 2 can repeat itself and maybe killed millions of people again. I always liked hearing about the holocaust, because is a very deep topic and there is much to know about it. Every time I heard about the topic questions like did all of them die? Or did they hang, shoot or burn the Jewish families? Would come up. I already know that approximately 6 million Jews were killed, and that they were sent to be prisoners a concentration and death camps but there are many things that I would like to find out. I was eager to know what the difference between concentration and death camps was, also I wanted to know if …show more content…

Nazis would send Jewish families to concentration camps, but they would make them believe they were actually going to a different place that was going to be better for them. Jews were put on trains and where either sent to concentration camps or death camps. The trains were filthy freight and cattle cars and were horribly crowded. Jewish families actually died even before they actually got to the camps because of the filthiness of the trains. There were two types of camps the concentration camps and the death camps. The concentration camps where made for prisoners to become hard laborers and were give very little to eat. They were forced to wear stripped uniforms and armbands or labels to identify which type of prisoners they were. Colors and bands represented different groups of people. Many of the prisoners either died or were sent to death camps due to starvation, disease and horrible treatments by Nazis. Death camps were set up specifically for mass murder, the Jews sent to death camps were either shot or killed in gas vans. Gas vans where sealed, and when prisoners were loaded into the van, the drivers would press the accelerator realizing carbon monoxide gas the suffocated and killed them. Later on the Nazis had different techniques, the prisoners were told they were taking a shower, asked to take off their clothes and followed signs that said shower room, but the so called shower rooms actually released gases until everybody suffocated to

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