Informative Essay On Tobacco

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A shocking amount of people have died by utilizing tobacco. There has been approximately 480,000 people who have died from use of tobacco every year. Their are social effects for the smoker as well as health risks to their loved ones. Tobacco should be illegal due to the immense dangers it causes both smokers and those around them. The direct dangers to smoking tobacco can be cancer, Larynx and infant defects. Cancer is very common and is mostly caused by smoking tobacco. When the toxins in tobacco are burned it causes harm to several parts of the body. It causes harm to the mouth, lungs, liver, bladder, stomach and more. Smoking tobacco can also cause Larynx, Larynx is the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in a person. Pregnant smokers can affect their infants to be born with defects or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Studies show that 12-20 percent of pregnant women smoke, putting themselves and their babies at risk. And over 1,000 babies in the U.S. die each year because their mothers smoked while pregnant. …show more content…

Smoking tobacco can cause gum disease, yellow teeth, odors and yellow fingers. Gum disease is very common in tobacco smokers, the tobacco causes your gums to rot and make your teeth fall. Smoking cigarettes leaves yellow stains on a smokers fingers. The yellow stains are caused by the smoke and the residue when it is smoked. Odors in the mouth, fingers and clothes are very common. Gum (periodontal) disease is an infection of the gums and can affect the bone structure that supports your teeth. In severe cases, it can make your teeth fall out. Smoking is an important cause of severe gum disease in the United

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