Informative Essay: The Renaissance Era

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There are many topics that I could have chosen to discuss from the readings but the topic I liked most was the Renaissance. I absolutely love the Renaissance Era as a whole. It’s very interesting and it gave a “Rebirth” to many different aspects. It reevaluated so many things such as Humanism, Art, Science, Music, Religion, and self-awareness. I believe that the Renaissance has helped shape the world today. The Renaissance was a popular time era for most of Western Europe. In Spain the Renaissance was a time of exploration and conquest; in France it brought unparalleled developments in social organization and philosophy; in England it gave us the theatre of William Shakespeare. The Renaissance period was a time of self-discovery which influenced our behavior, beliefs, and judgments. Renaissance which means “rebirth” gave the world a new beginning. The Renaissance influenced theatre. Shakespeare’s life and works have inspired innumerable amounts of biographies, novels, plays and films such as Shakespeare in Love. Shakespeare belonged to a troupe for all but the earliest portion of his professional career. This troupe owned its own theatre and its acting skills made it the most accomplished company of the land. This troupe was very unique and was never duplicated. Shakespeare was a member of this …show more content…

From this changing society emerged a common, unifying musical language, in particular the polyphonic style of the Franco-Flemish school. Printing development allowed spreading of music possible on a wide scale. The demand for music as entertainment and as an activity for sophisticated professionals improved with the rise of a conservative class. Distribution of chansons, motets, and masses throughout Europe corresponded with the amalgamation of polyphonic practice into the liquefied style which climaxed in the second half of the sixteenth century in the work of composers such as Palestrina, Lassus, Victoria and William

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