Informative Essay: Why Hockey Is A Sport

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Hockey is one of the most well-known sports played by professional athletes and kids as it is a game that has grown in significance throughout history and has created chances for kids to build new relationships and learn new things. Hockey has typically been a game that encourages kids to make relationships with other people and have fun playing a sport they love. There are tons of junior teams in the prairies, such as a little league or high school teams. These teams can become a significant part of these kids’ lives, as well as their families depending on how involved they are. Hockey has always been an important part of people’s lives in the prairies since it allows people and kids a chance to build relationships with those they might not …show more content…

Everyone is given the chance to play or watch hockey games. This is what hockey is to people today. However, it can be difficult to place the origin of hockey, it was a sport that brought people together from the very start. It is evident in the following quote that there is an abundance of different origins we could place for hockey, “it is clear that hockey is an example of convergent evolution, a concept from biology that describes how unrelated species develop similar features when evolving in a similar environment.” (13) . Hockey has evolved over several years due to the people who play and watch, and the environmental changes. All of these things can make it difficult to pinpoint exactly where hockey started and what the game was really like. For example, the rules have changed due to the influence of other sports. One point that is evident from the quote, however, is that hockey is related to the people who play and watch, the game changes with the people. In this way, the people and players make the game what it is. This point has been demonstrated in Hockey: A Global History when it says, “For centuries, …show more content…

For a long time, there have been little league teams, school teams, and opportunities for kids all over cities or villages to come together and play. The history of hockey has shown the significance of the culture that started it, as well as what it has become, “So the business history of sport is also about culture.” (5) . Over multiple years, it has gone from a sport that was designed for one culture, to bringing together numerous cultures, encouraging inclusion among everyone. Hockey has brought together so many people, allowing them to feel a sense of freedom, as demonstrated in the quote, “We hope to convey the exhilaration and sense of freedom that have driven hockey’s development for 150 years.” (14) . It is a sport that allows, not only the players but also the fans to get away from their lives when it can be difficult and enjoy themselves, even if it is for a short time. Hockey has not only become a significant part of people’s lives, but also a significant part of countries all around the world, “Stanley Cup hockey games were national events that shaped how cities and regions saw themselves and each other.” (2108) . Various countries around the world either play professionally, or just cheer on the game, but the Stanley Cup allowed the players to represent their countries and show others what they were capable of. Hockey, like several other sports, was seen as a game for men. It