Informative Speech About Communism

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Communist is a bad word. It is a demeaning term. To be called a “commie” is to be called “despicable”, “nasty”, and flat-out “wrong”. To be fair, communism has had a bad run in the world. Often it was used in the wrong way by bad people looking to better themselves rather than the world. However, true communism is not bad. It is good, very good! It could fix the economy, equate races, social-statuses, and genders, and suffocate violence and crimes. This of course would only come with the use of true, perfect communism. Many say this is not possible, however, we can look to the Bible and see that it is. God instructs communism and with Him on your side, anything is possible. I have done extensive research in communism, completing an …show more content…

In doing so, I will be able to talk about advancingly complex topics in the following speeches. I will explain the creation and original thought process behind Communism, quoting Karl Marx and possibly textbooks that touch on the topic. I will explain the practices and rules of Communism, again Marx will come into play, but here I can also introduce the usage of Communism in the Bible, an idea that will be used heavily in the speeches to come. Of course, I will talk about the usage of Communism in the world and along with that will come the shortcomings thereof. However, I can also start to portray the achievements and advancements of …show more content…

My goal is to convince the audience of why communism is good, or, at least, that it is not bad. The Bible will come into play more so in this speech than the last, as I highlight how God suggests that we should use communism and the happiness that come with it. I will also highlight the similarities of the communist teachings to that that we all learned in kindergarten. I will be able to back my position up strongly with scholarly articles on economics and possibilities. My third speech, the second informative, will expand upon a topic brought up in both of the former speeches: communism in the Bible. I will portray how exactly it is used, suggested and carried out therein. I am currently in the process of looking for articles and writings of known and/or respected theologians to back up my own studies of this topic, maybe reaching out to them for interviews. I am highly excited for this as I will not only be able to expand the knowledge of my audience about communism, but also mine and the audience 's knowledge and interpretation of the