Informative Speech About Fear

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Of course fear is sometimes something that takes over our imaginations and suddenly it seems that every little sound makes us jump. We can get over our fears and control them if we just have the willpower. The problem of getting over fears occurs if we have a phobia or phobias. If you look up the word phobias you’ll find that in the Wikipedia is tells you that these are most commonly the result of a “combination of external events and internal predispositions”. External events are something that might have traumatized you at some point and internal predispositions from heredity or genetics. Before I get into some of the strangest phobias people might have I have a common phobia Acrophobia which is fear of heights. Mine is hereditary and came from my mom’s mother. My grandma had quite a few adventures in her life due to being afraid of heights. I myself have been faced with serious problems due to my fear of heights which otherwise would have been no problem at all. So let’s take a look at some of the most bizarre types of phobias. Fear of garlic Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic. Now can you imagine being Italian and having this phobia? Or being a vampire? The horrors of it all. However if you do have …show more content…

Why? Try saying it or try writing it. I had a problem with both. The fear of long words is Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia/ Sesquipedalophobia. If that isn’t a mouthful I don’t know what is. If you haven’t been discouraged to know more this awful word has 35 letters in it. It comes from the root-word “sesquipedalian” – long word and the words “hippopotamus” and “monsters” have been added to make it really seem terrible. This phobia is thought to stem from frightening experiences with vocabulary or spelling bees during childhood and the difficulty to memorize or mentally process multisyllabic words. I know I was absolutely mesmerized when Mary Poppins from the Disney movie “Mary Poppins” said,