What is cancer? Cancer is when cells grow uncontrollably. Iam going to be describing the types of cancers there are and what their causes may be . Last but not least , you will then understand behaviors that can put a person at risk of developing cancer. Let’s talk about the word “tumor” , you may have or you may have not before heard of a “tumor”, or what a tumor may be. Not all tumors are cancerous but cancer shapes itself into a tumor in certain situations. A tumor is basically the swelling of abnormal tissue and cells.There are many different types of cancer, and carcinogens is something that increase the risk of developing cancer. For example, UV rays, can be too much sun exposure .The sun increases the risk of developing “skin” cancer. Also the chemical smoke …show more content…
There's like over 50 carcinogens in the smoke. So those, inhaling the smoke are also increasing their chances of developing cancer. Let me explain some of the risk factors their are. Some of them we have full control of and some of them, we don't have any at all. The things we do, things we are supposed to do, some of those things can increase the chances of developing cancer. I mentioned tobacco and sunlight already, and the possible things it can do to your body . certain chemicals, toxins, viruses ,bacteria’s, hormones, genetic genes, and bad chromosomes can increase the chances of developing cancer. Not only those but also poor diet and lack of exercise. Poor diet and lack of excerise are things you do have control of . Let me explain where the names of the cancer comes from. They are usually named from the area where they manifest themselves.For example “lung cancer” which is located in the lungs . Cancers are also classified by the type of tissue that the cancer affects. Lymphomas, leukemia’s, sarcomas, and carcinomas are the different classifications for cancer. i will explain the diffrent