Informative Speech On Dyslexia

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Do you know anything about Dyslexia? Well, you should read this because it talks about the Diagnosis, Treatments, and The Brain for Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability where its hard to read, spell and a lot more. So I hope you learn just a little bit more about Dyslexia!! Dyslexia, a condition that can be detected as early as birth. For Dyslexia it’s hard for you to read, spell, and sound out words. The spelling of someone with Dyslexia is very different. They spell things differently and sometimes spells things backwards. They spell things differently from “normal people”. The life with someone with Dyslexia is very hard. It is hard for you to spell and read. I think it’s hard for people with Dyslexia because you might not get into a good college or school if you have bad spelling and stuff that can confuse the teacher. I also, thinks it is hard because you have to help them a lot to get them where they need to be, so I think it is very hard. …show more content…

There is no medicine to treat Dyslexia. But, if someone in your family has Dyslexia, you can get a professional helper to help your child learn a little bit better than before. Also, you can get a Multisensory instruction to teach your child just a little bit more information to help your child in reading. It might not help your child A LOT but he or she can build process. Doctors, can also help too. They can say if there is anything wrong with the brain. But, if your child has Dyslexia they can’t just say, “Oh your child has Dyslexia”. They have go to school and see what’s wrong. But, you can get test for Dyslexia and see what ways you can get help. But, make sure the professional you have does it

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