Informative Speech On Laparoscopic Surgery

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Today, I am going to speak about laparoscopic surgery, also known as the keyhole surgery. I will talk about what it is, how it came about, how it is used and what it is used for. Laparoscopic surgery is one type of surgical method that is used to diagnose several diseases and also a kind of surgery method. Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical procedure where small incisions of 0.5-1.5cm are made and surgeons use laparoscope with a small camera and also light source to see inside the abdomen without having to cut a big cut. This is one method that can be used to diagnose diseases and also perform surgeries such as removing cyst and fibroid. It can also be used to extract tissues for testing. Most people will opt for laparoscopy surgery to remove their gall bladder, cysts or fibroids as it has a lot more benefits compared to open surgery such as less complication and scarring. However, the equipment for laparoscopic surgery is very …show more content…

The most obvious difference between traditional open surgery and laparoscopic surgery is that the size of the cuts is smaller for laparoscopic surgery around 0.5-1.5cm compared to traditional surgery as seen from the picture. The right side shows the cut for traditional open surgery while the left one shows the incisions made for laparoscopic surgery. Other than that, the risk of complication and infection for laparoscopic is much lower (might give statistics) compared to open surgery as the internal organs are not exposed to the outside and the tissue are not damaged as much from the cuts compared to open surgery. Since laparoscopic surgery has smaller cuts, this means that it will have less scarring and faster recovery compared to open surgery. Normally, patients who opt for laparoscopic surgery are able to go home on the same day that they had their surgery. However, the equipment used for laparoscopic surgery cost more than open surgery thus is more

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