Informative Speech On Macbeth

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As the legendary Science-Fiction author Arthur C. Clark, famous for stories such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, once said, ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’. With this in mind, today, I will be looking at one of the most famous stories concerning magic and giving it a modern, scientific approach. I am of course talking about Macbeth, one of William Shakespeare’s most ambitious, famous, and presumably cursed plays. So Ladies and Gentlemen, grab your test tubes and light your Bunsen burners because I am about to drop some science.
E=MC Beth will be a feature length Television-film target towards children and young adolescents. This format is ideal due to the nature of this production due to the audiences love for …show more content…

However, Macbeth, one of the smartest students in the school, has been prophesised to win the fair and is determined to accomplish this dream by any means necessary. Instead of killing his competition like in the original play, this version of Macbeth chooses to sabotage the other contestant’s displays in order to have the best display. During his reign of destruction, he is be guided by his sister, Lady Macbeth as well as the three Witches, now librarians, to cause as much chaos as the laws of physics, and the school, allow. After successfully destroying several projects, Macbeth is eventually exposed by Macduff and is forever excluded from the competition. This story of power and ambition is a tale that has been told for years and seems to follow the same routine every time. This incarnation simply serves to provide a change to the …show more content…

But what all but a few select films have in common is that they are targeted towards adults. E=MC Beth serves to provide the younger generations with a way to understand the themes of ambition and desire without also subjecting them to the murder and gore that is nearly universally present in a Macbeth production. And in addition, this film could also possibly serve as the start of a television spinoff filled with Shakespeare’s other plays and stories. But that is just my opinion. And now that my proposal has been submitted, I leave you with this question: What is your

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