Inglorious Basterd Vs The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

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History and Movie Comparison of The Holocaust Event

It all started in 1933 when National Socialist started to rise to power and change political party from Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) political party which is post-World War 1 era. It was anti Marxist and opposed to other democratic government, and it was support extreme nationalism. Later when new established Nazi Germany in 1939; Führer of German Reich Adolf Hitler viewed that Marxism was Jewish doctrine and that in his and his party belief it need to be destroyed, Hitler claim that he was fighting against “Jewish Marxism” and believe that Jew people had created communism as part of conspiracy to destroy germany. Later after the …show more content…

Few years later had past after the Cold war ended a few film director has started to create film about The Holocaust which one of many famous film called “Inglorious Basterd” and “The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas” which both has very similar style of presenting …show more content…

Also set during WWII, a story see through the innocent eyes of young boy named Bruno, the 8 years old child of the SS officer who work at concentration camp, who had made friendship with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence and created unforgettable consequences. The film started with "Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows" by John Betjeman. Bruno live with his family in Berlin, middle of Nazi Empire during the Holocaust period. His father named Ralf had been promoted to higher rank and his whole family need to be moved to countryside far away from the cities and people. Bruno which he’s very bored walk around until he meet with another boy named Shmuel. Bruno’s sister name Gretel have a private tutor which the teacher was named Herr Liszt, who pushes an antisemitism and nationalist propaganda into their head and what happen after lesions is, Bruno sister Gretel becomes extremely fanatical in her support for the Nazi Germany Third Reich to the point that she covering her whole bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters and portraits of Adolf Hitler. Bruno confused as the Jews he had meet, the servant named Pavel, do not resemble anything that Liszt's teached. One day, Bruno sneaks into the woods, and arriving at an electric barbed wire fence surrounding some kind of field and camp. He become friends with a boy named