Inhumane Practices In Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson

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Bryan Stevenson’s novel Just Mercy tells of his times as a death row attorney for inmates that were unjustly and inhumanely represented in the American court system. A #1 New York Times Bestseller, the book itself tells a story of a man named Walter McMillan who was sentenced to death row in an Alabama state prison. Walter landed in prison after a woman named Ronda Morrison from his hometown Monroe Alabama was found dead at her workplace Monroe cleaners on November 1st, 1983. This telling by Stevenson highlights the injustices and systemized racism that exists in our southern court systems, and without just attorneys like Stevenson to represent these disadvantaged men and women these inhumane practices will only continue. The book is all from …show more content…

An example of something that Bryan does is when he tells stories of other cases he worked on or other famous cases related to the death row penalty. In chapter 6 he talks about a call he receives from a grandmother in grief who is begging him to save her fourteen-year-old grandson. Her grandson is a young black boy named Charlie who was charged as an adult with the murder of his mother’s boyfriend George. George had beaten his mother and knocked her out so Charlie frantically calls 911 and while trying to stop the bleeding and at some point, he goes and retrieves the handgun in a drawer and shoots George. He then continues to talk about how he spoke to a church about Charlie and when he did this kind white elderly couple offered to pay for Charlie’s college. He ties this into the book of how his experiences and knowledge of other death row cases play into Walter’s case and shed more light on those who had been put to death row and if they ever got off or not and there were a lot more than just Charlie he talked about. There was George Daniel’s case, Michael Lindsy, Ian Manuel, Antonio Nunez, George Stinney, Marsha Colby, Joe Sullivan, and Anthony Ray Hinton. These are all people who had to suffer for years and years on death row and some of these people were wrongly

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