Injustice In The King's Men

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To avoid feeling guilty from slavery whites said blacks were bad and began to oppress them. They did this through segregating them, watching their every move, and putting them in positions to commit crimes. Bigger is frustrated because he is not allowed to do anything because he is black. "When Bigger goes out onto the street he sees a poster for Buckley's campaign: “IF YOU BREAK THE LAW, YOU CAN'T WIN!” And, as Bigger knows, if you don’t break it, you keep losing. This is the white man's law”(Joyce 9). Bigger is worried about his new job because it is in a white neighborhood and he believes his every action will be watched. “Bigger was forced to be Mary's chauffeur setting him up to be guilty for anything that happened to her”(Brucker 949). …show more content…

“By blaming our faults or problems on others, we can avoid guilt and shame”(Barker). All the King’s Men imagery Through imagery, specifically imagery of the past Jack begins to understand that it is his actions that he will be remembered by, and he realizes the mistakes he has made he thought were right. Jack feels stressed because of a number of things he knows to be true, but doesn’t understand the why, which is eating at him. “Defining the past’s truth is not necessarily identical to understanding it”(Railton