Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, is a novel that dramatically portrays insanity. Chief Bromden is a Native American who pretends to be deaf and mute, in order to narrate the novel. This novel begins with the coming of a new admission Raddle McMurphy he is introduced to an insane asylum where chief has been a patient longer. McMurphy is intelligent and observant. He stirs up the ward immediately by introducing friendly competition, gambling and encouraging the men to rebel. McMurphy bets with the other men in the ward that he can make Nurse Ratched lose temper without, getting sent to the disturbed ward, getting treated with electroshock or being lobotomized. Slowly McMurphy undermines Nurse Ratched’s system of control while being …show more content…

He does not want to conform to the rules of Nurse Ratched’s ward. He fits into this archetype and wants to fulfill his promise of rebellion. Jung points out that “individuation simply means to become what always were in potenia, to fulfill your unique promise.” McMurphy wanted change in the ward Even chief bromden notices that he is different from the other because he would laugh something no one has ever heard in a while. Kesey highlights the fact that “ya know ma’am he says, ya know – that is the exact thing somebody tells me about rules….just when I figured I’m about to do the dead opposite” (26) Raddle McMurphy plays a big role in this novel. The archetype he fits into is individuation. He is a gambler who was sentenced to six months at a prion work farm, when he was diagnosed as psychopath. He is a role model that the patients looked up to. His actions affect the patients dramatically, his bravery encourage the patients to rebel but once McMurphy finds out that he his committed he stops rebelling this causes a problem because when Cheswick waits for someone to back him up about the cigarettes cut backs no one helps him so he commits suicide because of it. McMurphy rebels against Nurse Ratched he was known as a gambler, fighter and sex maniac. Murphy sacrifices himself for the better of the ward. He fulfills his wager to cause Nurse Ratched to lose composer within a