Insecure Avoidant Behavior Video Analysis

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This child in this video is displaying Insecure Avoidant behavior. During phase one, the father and child were left alone in a room. The room had minimal furniture and a few toys, nothing too overwhelming. The video mentions there should be no interaction between the parent and the child, however the father speaks to the child and gives him a toy. In phase two, the stranger enters the room. The child reacts to the door being open. When the stranger walks in, the child scoots away from him and turns around facing the opposite direction. When the father and the stranger begin talking, the child turns to look at the father possibly trying to gauge his reaction to the stranger. At this point, the child turns around, now facing the men, and continues playing with the toys. The child …show more content…

While the stranger and the child are playing, the father exits the room. The child is distracted by the stranger’s ringing cell phone and does not notice his father has left the room. After the distraction, the child continues to play happily with the stranger. He responds positively when the stranger offers him the dog to play with and seems pleased when the stranger begins to bark like a dog. In phase four, the stranger leaves and the parent returns to “settle” the child. However, the child does not appear to need settling. The child looks up when the stranger leaves the room, but his mood does not change upon the fathers return. The child, still playing on the floor, offers his father a toy, and the father gladly accepts. At this moment, a passing train distracts the child. When the father begins to tickle the child, pushes his father away and turns his back to him. After this, the father stands and exits the room, leaving the child alone. As the father leaves the room, the child looks up and begins to yell and cry after the door