
Intasc Standards Paper

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Learning standards are very important for educators to use in their curriculum and incorporate into their students’ learning. These InTASC standards that will be addressed in this paper are learner development, learner differences, content knowledge, application of content and assessment. All are very important in education. As an educator you are responsible to use these standards to create the best learning environment and education to your students. Throughout this paper I will give my personal opinion on why I believe these are so important.
I believe that the InTASC standard one, Learner development is important because it encourages me to realize that every one of my students develop individually and learn in different ways. All students …show more content…

You should use many different ways to assess your students with both formative and summative assessments. Using assessments can benefit both the teacher and their students on their prior knowledge, using formative assessments as check marks throughout the lessons to check understanding and using summative assessments to confirm if students have mastered the content before moving on. In PDS we create science notebooks for each one of our students and we align our teaching to meet science and English Language Arts standards. At the end of our units we assess our students using standard based assessments to check if students have learned the content. We give feedback on three different examples of work and how the students demonstrated the standards. In my classroom assessment class we are learning that using forms of assessment is beneficial in the classroom to check in on your students learning. In Susan Green and Robert Johnson’s (2010) Assessment is Essential, they stated, “Teachers use their assessment practices to enhance every student’s learning and to experience academic

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