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In the article titled Face-off on the playing field By, Judith B. Stamper explains girls have their own story of support or discrimination, success also the debate of girls be allowed to compete on boys’ sports team. First, the writer Title IX explains female athletes are been treated second-class for long enough and should pass of inequalities and biases of girls. The writer also clarifies that girls doing sports make them healthier, physically, and emotionally. Other girls that don’t play sports are less likely to use of drugs. In addition, she notes a former Stanford University basketball player Mariah says, strength and independence of things girls learn from sports, the opportunities that are changing women.
Don Sabo’s “Pigskin, Patriarchy and Pain” and Sophia McDougal’s “I Hate Strong Female Characters” essentially analyze the role of patriarchy in society but through two very different and unique perspectives. Sabo’s piece “Pigskin, patriarchy and pain” is essentially a commentary on aggressive sports and how they reinforce a patriarchy that is violent, oppressive and damaging to both men and women. He also argues that sports culture reinforces the idea of male superiority and sexist and patriarchal ideals. Sabo argues that aggressive sports such as football have become this form of power and control that reinforces traditional gender roles and perpetuates inequality between men and women.
Little did they know women all around the world formed a women rights movement in the late 1920’s. Women wanted to prove themselves with their protest and riots they started. It was not until the “1960’s and ’70s [women] sought equal rights and opportunities and greater personal freedom for women”, (BRITANNICA). The topic about athletic competition and how men did not find it ladylike was dropped and women were able to compete.
It is evident that equality and equity between genders, males and females, has had its struggles. This struggle to promote fairness has been expressed through various mouvements such as from the suffragettes emerging in the late 20th and early 21st century, and the recent He for She movement to bring both genders to work together as one. Despite these efforts, in the hockey world, male domination inhibits female athletic success to reach such high level. This is displayed through history, funds and media. Earlier times imposed that women work less on their athleticism.
Women athletes and women workers do not get the recognition they deserve. Men especially, look down upon women when it comes to their appearances, their knowledge and a women's physical and mental strength. In certain cases, a woman loses out on a job in the sports industry because she is exactly a woman. A male trainer can refuse to train women because of the parts her body has. Men and women have grown up in a world with the mindset that women know less than men when it comes to sports.
Contact sports are the reason kids are getting hurt. Contact sports are good for kids. The Federal and state government should stop kids under 10 to stop playing contact sports because 45% of kids under 10 getting hurt are from contact sports and 5% of the time its ending that kids chances to play sports in the feature, Not to mention contact sports can also make kids go to their fullest and being burned out and although contact provide some kids will useful tools in life most of the time there is more negative than positive.
Instead of being dolled up with make-up, they are sweating, and dirty just like men are when competing. In a statement made by Emma Sherry, and colleagues “Muscularity, competitiveness and athleticism challenge the wider cultural positioning of women as passive and meek.” In result the media has the ability to form a different opinion on women athletes, the only problem is that women who engage in team sports such as hockey or other sports that come off as more masculine are less likely to be the subject of year-round sports media than those who are engaged in individual sports
Summary: Sexism from the reader’s companion to U.S women’s history by Caroline Bird emphasizes the term sexism and the history of the term along with its significance, as it was established during the1960s by feminists working in the civil rights movement to make to end the stereotype between women and blacks. Also mentioning more about what used to take place back in the days as Jobs were given to males have been redesigned to specify the physical ability such as: firefighters; however, women were mostly looked down upon back in the day due to the stereotypical ideas society used to think. As well as in sports the thinking of female weakness has been challenged by the records, when it comes to specific sports such as: racing or soccer people
Judith Butler (1990) implemented a structure for understanding how hegemonic femininity is constructed and duplicated in women 's sport. Butler 's work focuses on gender and Krane (2001) applies this notion to understanding heterosexuality in sport. Butler suggests gender is a performative act in a way that individuals engage in behaviours that are seen as acceptable and appropriate for their gender but adds that this performance is not entirely voluntary on the individual 's part. Society has a set of unwritten guidelines known by everyone as how males and females should act and those who fail to comply with these culturally built guidelines are 'punished through negative social sanctions.’ (Butler, 1990:140).
“ No person… shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination” ( Wong). Within sports, many females get discriminated due to being “weak” or less interesting to watch. Some get less pay for having not equal amounts of participation as men do. The main issues are whether or not females and men should receive equal pay grade and whether if one does not participate as much which should they get the same attention. Equal pay grade may determine whether females play just as much as men and participate.
Putting the fun back into physical activity for children will do wonders to foster PA. You don’t see children playing in neighborhoods anymore. A constructive approach to developing outdoor free play is, in my opinion, the cornerstone of developing a love of doing, moving, and being physically active. Many children don’t enjoy the harshness of competitive sport (I was one of them) but do enjoy being out and about doing things. As a child play that involved running, cycling, swimming, and skating were all the things that I truly loved.
The social theories that I have chosen to focus on are Conflict Theory and Feminist Theory. I have decided to study these concepts as they share both similar and contradictory ideas of sport participation and power in sport. I will also explore the topic of disability and sport in an attempt to illustrate the great need for integration of athletes with disabilities into mainstream clubs and teams. Finally, I will investigate the area of sexuality and sport, a subject which I believe has remained very much concealed until recent times. Conflict theory states that “social order is based on economic interests and the use of economic power to exploit labour”.
Gender Inequality in sports is an issue as old as sport itself. I choose this topic because we as a society seem to sweep it under the rug time after time. Women in sports however, try to address the issue only to have it go on deaf ears, leaving them to continue in the sport hoping something will change. Over the last few decades, strides have been made, but he sport remains an institution dominated by men. These women, whether they are in sport or in the business world, want a fair chance to be on the same level as their male counterparts.
Social Theories provides us with insights and explanations as to why people act the way they do. Sports is a human activity that involves physical skill and hard work. Sports is also governed by a set of rules and it is taken competitively. It is said that sports is taken seriously and is very important for athletes and even for the fans, some even say it is like a religion for them. Though not everyone in the society follow any sport, because they see that it has no relation to their lives.
“Female discrimination in sports is a common occurrence all around the world, women are seen as less than males.” (Ladrea) Equality in sports is unequal. In the 1800 women got very little attention and did not get the opportunity to play in any sport in America and all around the world. Men could go and try out for different sports teams and workout but for women they were only allowed to stay home to cook and clean. There were some events women could participate in but it could not be competitive, it was focused on getting active and staying active.