Interim Millay Ashes Of Life Analysis

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Millay’s Lost Love in Poetry

Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote about a variety of topics mostly about the pain of loss from either death or break-up. In Millay’s poem Ashes of Life she describes how painful life is after loss especially in the early days after it first happened. In the poem free verse poem Interim Millay focuses on how sad she is and how she is torn between living in the past or in the present. She wishes that time could be turned back and that she could live out the rest of her life in those last few days. Everyone at some point learns what it is like to lose a loved one and these poems could help them to cope with their depression. To lose someone one loves can be very difficult. How one copes with that is varied but there is bound to be a Millay poem to help with that. Lost love a popular topic in Millay’s repertoire and her …show more content…

Millay knew how to use that to her advantage and to get across difficult to talk about subjects. Topics similar to death, loss, sadness, and love. When you know how to communicate to people you can, not only teach but learn a lot as well. Of Millay’s unnamed Sonnets she wrote about life and loss, in particular she wrote about it’s effects on everyday life. How no matter what people said her wounds never seemed to heal. Grief affects all sorts of people differently but affects them nonetheless. Millay must of wrote about topics she knew very well to write them as she did. To write of the pain of loss and how long it continues to effect peoples day to day life. Millay wrote in different styles to enact a variety of emotions in all her poems. Whether it be a sonnet, haiku, or free verse poem she wrote them all in a certain style that ensures that one is reading a Millay poem. “Love has gone and left me, - and the neighbors knock and borrow, and life goes on forever like the gnawing of a mouse,” (Millay 41). Millay definitely knew what she was doing when she put pen to