1984 Mode Of Control Analysis

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In the novel 1984, George Orwell describes an ideal totalitarian state that is able to have ultimate control control over its party members. This state successfully governs the members by means of internal and external control of the people’s daily activities. The state leaves very little room for rebellion because the people of Oceania live in fear of being caught for not following the states ideologies. The following essay will examine both internal and external modes of control and how these relate to each other. Furthermore, the possibility of rebellion and liberation will be discussed.
In order for the party to maintain order and compliance with its ideologies it had to constantly monitor its members by means of surveillance. In …show more content…

It is easy to use them because they were taught to be loyal to the party from a very young age: “as spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the party…they adored the party and everything connected with it…” (Part 1,Ch.2 pg31). As a result of this there are no ties between the spies and their families since they feel that all their trust is to be strictly devoted to the party. These spies are also encouraged to eavesdrop and as a result parents fear their children, “some eavesdropping little sneak-‘Child hero’…had overhead some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought police.” (Part 1, Ch.2 pg31). This behaviour is also seen amongst the citizens of Oceania when they are in public places. The common effect for the internal control tools mentioned above is self-censorship. The party members never know when or who might be watching them at any given moment. Neither their neighbours nor even their children can be trusted. So in order to avoid torture, they try by all means to abide to INGSOC