Essay On Hallucinogens

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Due to the widespread availability of drugs in our modern world, various families are struggling to repress their children from abusing these drugs in order to prevent their children from numerous problems in the future; whereas, not all drugs are harmful on the human body. Drugs have led to progressive studies such as the internal effects, external effects and medical effects it has on certain individuals. Thus, these studies have risen to educate the younger generation from risking their bright future.

Various drugs may contain hallucinogens, which are a diverse group of drugs that alter perception. They can be found in plants or might be chemically made by humans in laboratories. Common types of hallucinogens are DMT,LSD and agahuasca where these drugs can induce an “out of control” sensation where users can experience a major loss of surroundings. “According to the 2012 national survey on drug use and health, more than 180,000 Americans aged 12 and older reported the frequent …show more content…


Drug use and addiction cause a lot of diseases and disabilities in the world. Recent advances in neuroscience may help improve policies to reduce the harm that the use of drugs and other psychoactive drugs impose on society. Drugs can be harmful and beneficial in both ways as it can cure many diseases but can also create a world of hallucinations where human beings can dive into a world of fantasy and cause addictions that can cause a great risk on the long run, therefore, human beings must be cautious and avoid drug