International Relations Between 9/11 And Al Qaeda

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Through the explanation of what are International Relations, I will link the information and the concepts of it in order to analyze what really happened in 9/11, when The Twin Towers were attacked by Al Qaeda, a terrorist group, or perhaps point out how it is all related and how it caused the world to collapse. International Relations is the pillar of foreign policies among countries but it is also the pillar for nuclear weapons, poverty, terrorism and suicide; the turning point of our lives. ‘…where suicide terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates’’ (1) International Relations is viewed as the way bonds are made throughout the world in all different …show more content…

The Twin Towers, that were about 110 stories long each, connected a plaza, seven buildings and a popular mall. The Towers represented America’s power in the world, and to see those crashing down might represent the fall of their influence, or at least that is what Al Qaeda thought. The image above shows the moment of the crash of two of the four airplanes hijacked by members of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda’s Background It is an Islam extremist terrorist group set by Osama Bin Laden in 1933. It has not only attacked the US but it has also operated in 16 different countries, their objective is to express their feelings about Muslim governments that have no control over their social and political orders in Middle-Eastern countries. Their main objective into attacking the US was to reduce their intervention with the governments they had precious disagreements with since Al Qaeda wanted to establish a world order based in Islam roots. This image represents Al Qaeda’s members that are armed and have their faces completely cover with black hijabs. Al Qaeda had recently established alliances with Al-Shebab fighters, which Somalis completely

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