Internet Censorship Is Unnecessary

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Censorship of the Internet is Unnecessary Censoring the idea of one, censors the ideas of future. It has been evidenced through times that it only takes one person to change a mass amount of people. Every time something has been censored, it always finds a way to be seen, heard, and felt. The internet is society's newest form of communication and it’s victim to censorship. Censorship of the internet is unnecessary because it will never stop what people want to share, it’s a violation of rights, and it damages the reputation of those who are censoring. Censorship has been around since the beginning. Taking on forms of authority, society, and people themselves. However, what will be said, will be said, and spread. Letters, codes, different …show more content…

There may be things that are deemed that should not be known. However, if one does not look at the whole picture there is no hope to see the meaning behind it. Currently, “[f]ighting the censor every step of the way is an army of self-described “hacktivists””. (Opposing Viewpoints: Internet Censorship, 142) The “Hacktivists” deal mainly with China and the censoring of civil rights movements around the world. China is only the tip of the iceberg, and one of best in the field of censorship. Every country, even with democratic systems have their methods of censorship whether if it’s for public morals or not. In the article Is Internet Censorship Compatible With Democracy? Legal Restrictions Of Online Speech In South Korea by Eric Fish “If the government can filter information that is posted and read on …show more content…

In some cases it masks the negative actions of ancestors. In a positive way creating a way for blame not to be dealt. Yet, to go forward society cannot forget the past or force the responsibility onto a single group or person. In other instances being ashamed of what ancestors have done has been placed in a negative category. However, it’s inhuman to not feel emotion even for the actions that are blamed on the one who did not conduct them. The internet is a different world, there are some who could be a new person, and those who can actually speak their minds. In a way it’s a country made of those who have access to the internet and in areas that are not censored. People get a new start and only share what they wish to share. If they are offended by a person's comment, then they must use their own voice and experiences to explain their views. It gives those a voice who cannot, due to other

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