Interpersonal Trauma Essay

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Bowland, S., Edmond, T., & Fallot, R. D. (2012). Evaluation of a spiritually focused intervention with older trauma survivors. Social Work, 57 (1), 73-82.
This study evaluated the actually effective of an 11-session, spiritually focused group intervention with older women survivors (age 55 and older) of interpersonal trauma (child abuse, sexual assault, or domestic violence) in reducing trauma-related depressive symptoms and posttraumatic stress Forty-three women survivors of interpersonal trauma were randomized into treatment (n=21) or control (n=22) groups. Participants in group psychotherapy discussed spiritual struggles related to abuse, and developed spiritual coping resources. The treatment group had significantly lower depressive symptoms …show more content…

L. (1999). “A new kind of battered woman: challenges for the movement”. In Homosexual Domestic Violence: Strategies for change. Leventhal, B, & S. E. Lundy (Eds.). Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. Provides an assessment of the challenge that intimate partner violence among the lesbians population take on the domestic violence movement. Its strength lies less with the clarity of the prose. Its insistence on tracing the various lines of oppression that immigrant lesbians experience.

Gillis, J. R. & S. Diamond. ( 2006). “ Same-sex Partner Abuse: Challenges to the
Existing Paradigms of Intimate Violence Theory”. In Cruel But Not Unusual:
Violence in Canadian Families. Alaggia, R. & C. Vine (Eds.). Wilfrid Laurier
University Press: Waterloo, ON. In the article, providing a comprehensive picture of the field of same-sex partner abuse in terms of theory, services and advocacy. Important for the Canadian cultural context. An important feature is the author's view on homophobia as a central organizing feature of same sexpartner abuse with regards to its behavioural, attitudinal and institutional dimensions. Hamberger, L.K. (1996). “Invention in gay male intimate violence requires coordinated efforts on multiple