Common Themes In Wilfred Owen's Disabled

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Commonly the themes include: The destruction of war, religion, the old lie, and the young boys tricked into joining a pointless war. All his work greatly related to himself and his own experiences, although he often makes it seem as though it could refer to any young man. He spoke honestly out about the war, in such a way no other person had done before. Therefore, his work has been important in understanding what went through the minds of the soldiers and their experiences. In relation to the themes, certain aspects would have a difference in opinions by my two chosen people. Certainly, there are aspects, which is hard to relate to and understand when you are in this setting and has yet to join any kind of war or conflict. This perception would be different if it were the case of modern times as we have more sources and availability for this kind of knowledge then what was available in the First World War. The media and war propaganda was definitely not the same as what we experience today, but they were influenced by their parents, government, school, textbooks to believe that war was honourable and right. When something has been indoctrinated in such a way as this had been, it will be difficult to see things in any other way since, there is only a single perception they have been taught all their lives. In “Disabled” there is a thought by the person who Owen is refereeing to in line 24, it goes “He thought he’d …show more content…

He compared the guns to having human like features and the soldiers to have animal like features. He uses the sun as a metaphor for god and he does not understand why the sun will not help in these desperate times. At times, it is as though he is directly throwing the reader into the battlefield and everything changes in his words. In Owen’s “A New Heaven” is a clear contrast from the before and after picture. Here we have a poem, which Owen wrote before joining the war. In Line 10 “Shall we live gods there. Death shall be no sev’rance.” Here Owen clearly believes all the lies he had been told about the glory and honour they were supposed to be receive of. Death will not be the end for them, this is what he believes here. Then if we look at “Dulce Et Decorum Est” near the end of the poem in line 25-26 “My friend, you would not tell with such high zest, To children ardent for some desperate glory”. You can translate that in to how these two groups perceived the war