Interracial Children Essay

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Canada is comprised of many different cultures and currently holds one of the highest groups of interracial relationships. Culture can be defined as characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by religion, food language, etc. Culture is an important aspect of a community and is often the glue that holds said community together. Culture is also incorporated into people’s personal identity and one’s personal identity is hugely derived from their culture. The mixing of cultures does not appear to be a problem when it comes to be from different cultures living in the same place with Toronto as an example. However, the products of intercultural relationships, the children, often find it hard identifying just one of the cultures …show more content…

It can be represented through different avenues such as, clothing, food, language etc. I would like to further develop on the ideas on how interracial couples plan to handle their families whether it is with their own parents or their potential family? I am also curious as to how they plan on answering questions that may eventually come from their children such as why one parent is a different skin colour than their other parent. Although my opinion on the topic of culture in the interracial community may be to have the children of interracial relationships create their own culture, I would be interested to know the viewpoint on how interracial children feel about having to create their own culture and whether that is I the right thing to do in terms of culture for them. There are different ways in which a person can show their culture to the world. For example, an immigrant living in Canada might find it extremely important to keep their culture alive even though they may not be in the same area in which said culture is rich or recognized. This could be shown through the clothing that they choose to wear, keeping the practice of