Interview With A General Manager: An Interview With Troy Hill

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The person being interviewed is Troy Hill he is the General Manager at MTS Broadcasting in Camberage, MD he resides in Delaware he is also from there. First he lives in Wilmington, DE and he moved to this little town called Bridegville, De and he thought to himself as a kid he would leave and never come back and he then found himself coming back. He has lived places like Montreal Quebec Canada and Washington D.C. but, as he got older he found himself coming back. He states that he always wanted to be in the business since he was younger he stared out at sixteen as an announcer so he had the drive for this business early on in life. Hill also states when he was growing up and even until this day he never took no for an answer. He always asked …show more content…

With the passion and enthusiasm that he displays when explaining his job and past jobs that he has had in the business. When asked what do you dislike most about your job the states “nothing at all all the things I have done in this business it nothing that I hated doing or I disliked the most about his job” he also goes on to say “I love all things about this industry and I always will. The hardest time in his career that Hill elaborated on was when he was at the pinnacle of his career in the medium market as a manager and he thought he was doing all things right in his job. Until one of those days he got that knock on the door and the general manger over him sat him down and let him know that the company would no longer needed his services. Hill states that he remembers thinking to himself “ok troy now what are you going to do to make up for this”. Hill got himself to together and reinvented himself to become more competitive in his field of work. He says that when he started the job he has now as a general manger he felt like he had a fresh start to make this company the greatest he can make it. In his case there is no moving up unless he decides to buy the station if he has the funds. Hill also says when he retires he plans to open up a sub shop and maybe try to own his only small station so for Mr. Hill that is his …show more content…

In some cases, a more assertive work style works best and in other cases a collective work environment is what is needed to get the most effective and efficient work produced. From the knowledge known this type of work could be wonderful for individuals in the field. Just knowing that people can all come together to make thing possible is what drives an individual to shoot for greatness. The interview with troy hill gave a lot of insight about the business and how it can be affective and how at the end after you have been through all of the ups and downs its overtly beneficial and if a person chooses this career it will be rewarding in the long run. And when it comes to money its not all about that its about what a person loves to do in

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