In an interview with Mike Wallace, Morgan Freeman says that he doesn’t like Black History Month. He says that he thinks having a month for black history isn’t going to end racism and that the one way to is to stop talking about it. Morgan Freeman is right to say so. If people keep talking about racism, it’s never going to end. As long as racism is on everybody’s minds people will be racist. In addition, if you try to fix racism by giving just one race its own month or even just a day, you’re only going to make it worse. Most people don’t want everybody complimenting them on their race for a whole month. Morgan Freeman stated that to stop racism we need to stop talking about it. Every day people are talking about racism. People are talking about racism negatively and that’s not inherently a bad thing. However, it’s only helping racism grow. Talking about something isn’t going to help you forget it. To get racism off everybody's minds, we need to just ignore it. If a black man argues with a white man for being racist toward him, that white man isn’t going to feel any better toward black people. …show more content…
To fully kill the effect of racism on lives, people need to stop talking positively about races. Complimenting the black race isn’t going to make anybody who’s black feel better about themselves. This applies to other races as well. Morgan Freeman argued that nobody wants to have a month dedicated to their descent. To stop racism toward blacks, people made a month for them, but it’s really only hurting them. If you want equality between races, make them equal. Don’t say the African American race gets their own month because that is racism. It’s making one race better than