Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Essay

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For many years, Native Americans experienced challenges that caused violence towards them. This causes them likely to have higher rates of exposure to traumatic events. Writer, Timothy Williams emphasizes that reports have shown Native American women residing on Indian reservations suffer from domestic violence and physical assault at rates far higher than women of other ethnicities and locations. In the article “Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences,” violence against women first became a serious problem in the 1970s (Tjaden and Thoennes 3). Although there are many forms of abuse, most Americans know that abuse typically is used to gain and have power over the person. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major health problem in the United States. According to the World Health Organization fact sheet, IPV against women is defined as acts of physical or sexual assault against women by their current or former spouses, intimate partners, or dates. WHO also states, “Factors that are associated with intimate partner and sexual violence occur at individual, family, community and wider society levels” (WHO). A recent national survey done by Tjaden and Thoennes found out 76 percent of all rapes and physical assaults against adult women in the United States are perpetrated by a current or former husband, …show more content…

This gave federal support to develop and strengthen law enforcement and prosecution strategies against Native American women and children. It also developed and strengthened victim services, particularly involving violent crimes against women. The “Violence Against Women Act” also created the “Violence Against Women Office” (VAWO), now known as the Office of Violence Against Women in 1995. They assist four different types of grant programs (History of the Violence Against Women