Intimate Partner Violence Essay

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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a problem in the queer community. It should be noted that I am using queer as an umbrella term for those who do not identify as strictly heterosexual. For the purpose of my research, queer will be used to refer to people who self identify as: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (Willis, 2012; Jacobson, Daire, Abel, & Lambie, 2015). The rate of IPV among queer partnerships is comparable with heterosexual pairings, and requires further exploration in scholarship (Murray & Mobley, 2009; Jacobson et al., 2015; Edwards & Sylaska 2012; Messinger, 2010). Much like in heterosexual relationships, IPV can have severe consequences for queer folks. Subsequently, IPV can negatively impact an individuals’: physical …show more content…

In light of the subject matter, I believe individual level interviews, rather than round table discussions, would be more suitable for my project. This would ensure my participants felt comfortable divulging personal information, as well as both their and my own safety. Additionally, to safeguard participants further, they will only be able to participate in this research if they are no longer in a violent relationship. Furthermore, this research would be grounded in feminist theory and queer theory. My intent would be to use this theoretical foundation to explore patriarchies impact in shaping and constraining gender norms and expressions for queer subjects, and the resultant effects on violence. Through gender performativity I could explore heterosexuality and gender roles as a performance based in repetition, and how that impacts queer gender expression (Butler, 1993). Queer theory can operate in a number of ways in my research. That is, Queer Theory, meaning theorizing about the experience of queerness, and Queer Theory meaning using a transgressive type of theory that challenges reductive paradigms by reading and writing