Guideline Principles Related To The Integumentary System

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2. One of the first guideline principles that you stated was that “cells form the foundation of body structure and function.” The first guideline principle would relate to the integumentary system as it consist of exocrine glands, skin, nails, and hair. Skin is one of the major organs not only in the integumentary system but also for our body. Our skin is made up of thousands of cells that serve a certain structure and function. Our skin is our body’s protection barrier that protects us against an harsh outside world environment. Without cells our body would have no skin and would have no protection from the environment around us. Cells make up all the tissue and layers that lie in each layer of the integumentary system. Without cells there would be no skin to protect the inside of our body nor any layers to serve their purpose. The second guideline principle that was stated was that “the body is structurally and functionally organized into a hierarchy of increasing complexity.” The integumentary system has two parts that play a big role; these are the cutaneous membrane, or the accessory structures. The epidermis, dermis, or superficial epithelium are two components that are …show more content…

Beginning with the epidermis which is made up of keratinocytes and these cell store keratin protein in our body. The epidermis is also made up of epidermal cells or also known as melanocytes these cells help the body with color pigment and help with protecting the skin from sunburn and radiation. The epidermis is also made up of cells called merkel cells and those cells help with the sensation of touch and help the deepest layer of the epidermis connect with the dermis. Which means the these cells connect the nerves with the endings of the

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